The Seven Hundred-fourth Meeting of the Worcester Regional Airport Commission was held on Monday, January 13, 2003 at 6:30 PM in the Conference Room at the Worcester Regional Airport.

Members present were: Chairman Michael Amir, Commissioners Brian Carroll William Downey, Tom Gorham, Raymond Perrone and James Powell.

Also present were: Eric N. Waldron, Airport Director and Rick Foley, City Liaison.

Chairman Amir called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.

1) Approval of the minutes of the December 9, 2002 Meeting

Commissioner Gorham moved, seconded by Commissioner Downey, to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2002 Meeting. All in favor - So Voted.

2) Report of Commission Chairman

Chairman Amir reported on the following points:
  • All Members were wished a happy new year by the Chairman, who wanted to share his vision for the airport.
  • The Chairman noted that airlines have come and gone from the airport and that some general aviation pilots come and leave the airport. He is interested in seeing the airport focus its efforts to attract interests that will come to the airport and develop something here that keeps them here, like a base of operations or a building or a maintenance base for jets. The Chair noted that, according to the WAPA web site, the FBO's prices for fuel here at Worcester are not competitive with other Massachusetts airports.
  • Chairman Amir advised that he had recently met with Massport, FAA and MAC officials concerning the five-year capital improvement program (CIP) for the airport. He noted that the major projects for this year feature rebuilding of the general aviation tie down ramp and security improvements in the terminal.
  • Copies of a letter received by the Chairman from a based pilot who was stopped by airport police in November were distributed to the other Members. The pilot indicated that he was angry and very upset at the treatment he received from the officer and also made a number of suggestions for how the airport could be improved. Chairman Amir advised the Members that, as a result of this incident, the individual has moved his aircraft to Southbridge airport. The Chairman advised that he and the Director had looked into the matter and, while he does not like to see the airport lose any based pilots, the laws must be enforced.

3) Reports from Commission Subcommittees

Citizens Advisory - No new information to report. There was a consensus that, since the Citizens Advisory Committee has been inactive for over a year, this Subcommittee Report should be deleted from future airport agendas, until such time as the Committee reactivates.

Marketing - Commissioner Nemeth had asked the Airport Director to advise the Members that he had recently spoken with Congressman McGovern, who indicated that he would be requesting a meeting with Massport and the new state administration to determine/review their plans for the airport.

General Aviation - Commissioner Powell indicated that he had no formal report for the Members. Chairman Amir advised the Members that WAPA had recently held a "Young Eagle Day", which was an opportunity for high school students to come to the airport, see a flight school and actually take a flight. He indicated that WAPA is a good and positive influence for the airport.

It was also noted that AOPA, working with TSA, has instituted an airport watch program, similar to the neighborhood watch programs in various communities. Pilots have been notified of the program and a phone hotline number, 866-GA-secure has been implemented for pilots and/or airport employees to call if they see anything out of place at an airport.

4) Reports of Airport Director

CAT II/III Study Update- Mr. Waldron indicated that FAA has recently questioned some of the data in the cost/benefit analysis of the report and that, while it had been intended to have the consultants review the report for the Members at this meeting, the decision was made to wait until the questions FAA raised have been resolved before presenting it to the Members.

Security Update- Nothing new to report.

5) Old Business

Mr. Waldron reminded the Members that they had previously voted to lease M. & M. trucking company an area behind the airports cold storage building as well as a bay in the building, for $2000 per month. The company has not been able to use the site yet because of the snow and ice this winter and has determined that it does not need the space inside of the building. Company officials recently contacted the Director asking that they be able to reduce the rent to $1500 per month in recognition of the reduction in leased area. The Director recommended that the Commission approve this request.

Commissioner Downey moved, seconded by Commissioner Perrone, to approve the reduction in rent for the leased area behind cold storage for M&M trucking, to $1500 per month. All in favor - So Voted.

6) New Business

Election of Officers - Mr. Waldron advised the Members that Commissioner Nemeth had given him his written proxy to vote for the officers and had given him direction on who he wanted his vote cast for.

Commissioner Perrone indicated that he again felt that one good term deserves another and he nominated Michael Amir to again serve as Chairman and Tom Gorham to serve as Vice Chairman. Commissioner Downey seconded the nomination.

Commissioner Carroll nominated Bob Nemeth to serve as Chairman. The nomination was not seconded.

After some discussion, Commissioner Perrone asked the Airport Director to read the proxy given to him by Commissioner Nemeth, which outlined the Commissioners support and vote for Michael Amir to again serve as Chairman and Tom Gorham to serve as Vice Chairman.

After further discussion, Commissioner Perrone moved, seconded by Commissioner Downey, to close the nominations for officers. All in favor-So Voted.

A roll call vote was conducted for Michael Amir to serve as Chairman and Tom Gorham to serve as Vice Chairman:

Commissioner Downey Aye Commissioner Powell Aye
Commissioner Carroll Aye Commissioner Nemeth Aye, by written proxy
Commissioner Gorham Aye Commissioner Amir Aye
Commissioner Perrone Aye

The Aye’s have it - So Voted

7) Adjournment

Commissioner Downey moved, seconded by Commissioner Gorham, to adjourn the meeting. All in favor - So Voted.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM.

The next meeting will be held on February 10, 2003, in the conference room at the Airport Terminal Building, at 6:30 PM.

-- GeorgeClark - 08 Feb 2003
There are old Pilots, and bold Pilots, but few Old, Bold Pilots. --Famous truism

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