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Worcester Area Pilots Association FAQ

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What is WAPA?

WAPA, The Worcester Area Pilots Association, is an association of Pilots, Mechanics, Students and others in the Greater Worcester Area who have a genuine interest in Flying. WAPA is run by the officers and BoardOfDirectors. Officers are elected annually. The BoardOfDirectors consists of 9 directors, elected for 3-year terms in groups of 3.

What are the objectives of WAPA?

The objectives are pretty much spelled out in the WAPA Bylaws Please read them to see the objectives. WAPA also has a Draft Mission Statement.

Why was WAPA formed?

WAPA was re-formed after the events of September 11th, to be a voice for the General Aviation pilots in the Greater Worcester Area. WAPA was originally formed in the late 1980's, and was very active in the Worcester area for a number of years. While it is very easy to form an organization around a single popular issue, it is our hope that WAPA gains a more general focus and is self-sustaining as a pilot organization in the Worcester Area with a variety of educational and outreach objectives.

What are dues used for?

Dues are used for a number of things, including paying for the hall rental for meetings, mailings, legal fees and incorporation, and other administrative uses. $5 of the dues is put toward the WAPA Aviation Scholarship. None of the officers are paid or taking any funds from WAPA other than reimbursement for direct expenses like postage. The Websiite is currently hosted at no charge.

How do I sign up to WAPA?

Come to one of our meetings, or fill out the online membership form. Dues are $35, and we now can take payments by <nop>PayPal. After you complete the membership form you will be redirected to a page for further instructions on how to pay your dues.

Is there a way to communicate via email?

Yes! WAPA is now running an email list server. There are discussion lists available for Flyins, Safety Pilot requests, and general aviation discussions. The messages are archived for future reference. You can also send requests for information to

How do I comment on stories on the web?

Any WAPA Member can edit any story or article on the WAPA Web. Most of the articles have a "Comment" box inline in the article. Enter your comment and click the button to add the comment. If you are not signed in, you will be prompted for your user name and password. Your user name is your "WikiName" - usually FirstLast with the first letter of the first and last names capitalized.

Your Browser "Certificate" gives me security warnings

When I access the e-mail list pages, or the signup form, I get a browser security warning saying that the certificate is not trusted.

This is because WAPA uses a free SSL Certificate from Certificates are signed by a "root authority", in the case of WAPA, that is The Browser makers have to install the "root certificate" from CAcert for the WAPA certificate to be automatically trusted. Unfortunately this often depends upon a very costly commercial relationship between the browser maker and the Certificate Authorities - as much as $75,000 plus $10,000 per year. As a small non-profit, this cost has been prohibitive and CAcert has been unable to get their root certificate installed into the mainstream browsers. Here is the latest status about the CAcert effort to get their root certificate included

Note: With Windows Vista, you may have to change browser security settings or all access to the secure parts of the WAPA server will be blocked. By default with Vista and IE 7, any "questionable" certificate will be automatically blocked. This includes "self signed" certificates and "free" certificates that are used by organizations who don't have the financial resources to acquire a certificate. Modify the IE7 "anti-phishing" settings to prompt for questionable certificates. You can safely accept the WAPA certificate. WAPA will never ask for a credit card number or other personal information that would be subject to identity theft.

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Both optimists and pessimists contribute to the society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute. --George Bernard Shaw

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